Monday, December 30, 2019

Facing The Past Dantes Encounter With Ulysses - 995 Words

Kyle Elliott ITAL411 12/6/2014 Facing the past: Dante’s encounter with Ulysses Throughout the Inferno, Dante has often presented characters in a way that reflects his own personality: there is the overly amorous and suicidal Dido for whom he shows sympathy and gives a lesser punishment, while there is the tragically suicidal Pier delle Vigne for whom he gives a much harsher punishment. This difference in placement should reflect a strict moral code that agrees with a pre-established divine order, and yet Dante demonstrates such obvious favoritism. Why? Dido loved Aeneas too much, as Dante loved Beatrice. Therefore, Dante can easily sympathize. Similarly, when Dante faces Francesca da Rimini and her lover Paolo, he experiences an immense†¦show more content†¦Dante, being Italian and regarding Virgil with respect, likewise considers Ulysses a falsifier and therefore places him in the eighth bolgia of the eighth circle of Hell. However, Ulysses represents more than an embodiment of deceit: the Greek hero’s story happens to be one of an intellectual journey, giving a means for the pilgrim to draw a comparison between his own journey and that of Ulysses, as well as an idea of where that journey could lead. In the Commedia, Dante depicts himself as a prophet (for which God’s word is the Commedia itself) who undergoes a learning experience that transforms him into a perfect prophet who is able to convey God’s word without doubts or reservations. This transformation occurs gradually as Dante learns from various characters he meets throughout the journey, but probably the greatest contributor to this transformation is Ulysses. In Canto XXVI, Dante focuses on major themes regarding his spiritual condition in order to contrast Ulysses’ spiritual condition, some of which include the cause for damnation or salvation and a poetic and/or prophetic authority. The primary source of similarities between their spiritual states can be found in Dante’s Convivio, which employs a much more

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The World Health Organization A Global Public Health Treaty

Overview of the FCTC The World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) is a global public health treaty, developed in response to the globalisation of the â€Å"Tobacco epidemic†, that entered into force in the February of 2005 (World Health Organisation, 2015). As outlined in the convention itself, the aim of the FCTC is to â€Å"...protect present and future generations from the devastating... consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure† (WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2005). The FCTC was conceived within a milieu of significant tobacco usage; in 2005, there were more than 1.25 billion smokers worldwide (Roemer, Taylor Lariviere, 2005). The origins of the FCTC lie in a push for the WHO to employ its constitutional powers to establish international conventions with a view to advance global health, particularly related to tobacco use. Having first been conceptualised in 1993, this proposal was delivered to the WHO by Roemer and Taylor in 1995. In 1996, the World Health Assembly voted for its development to proceed (Roemer et al., 2005). The framework was adopted by consensus in 2003, before entering into force in 2005 (WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2005). The FCTC has seen seen success in ensuring an international response to the tobacco epidemic, with 180 parties to the convention as of 2015 (‘Parties to the WHO Framework , 2016), although questions remain about their compliance (Kebede-Francis, 2011). BetweenShow MoreRelatedIn Contrast To The Views Of Mcmichael And The Usgcrp, Emeritus1126 Words   |  5 Pageswill have severely negative effects on human health. He is well-versed in economics, which is why it is not surprising that the second half of the book discusses the economic side of climate change. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

What Effects the Bounce of a Dropped Ball Free Essays

Aim The aim of this experiment is to investigate the efficiency of a bouncing ball, and the factors which affect its efficiency. Hypothesis If I increase the height from which a ball is dropped, then the bounce height will increase because it will increase the speed and create a larger impact, causing the ball to bounce higher then dropping it from a lower height. Materials 1. We will write a custom essay sample on What Effects the Bounce of a Dropped Ball or any similar topic only for you Order Now High bounce ball 2. Measuring tape 3. Tape 4. Wall Risk Assessment H- Cutting yourself with the measuring tape C- Handle with care and ensure that it is locked Method 1. Hold the measuring tape with the 0 centimeter end on the floor. Then tape the measuring tape to a wall. 2. Hold the bottom of the high bounce ball in place with the 100 centimeter mark on the measuring tape. 3. Drop the ball and determine the total bounce height of the ball, which would be the distance from the surface to the bottom of the ball at the top of its bounce. . Continue till you have data for 3 tests. 5. Repeat steps 2-5 for drop heights 80 cm 60 cm 40 cm 6. Average all the data. Variables Independent variable = drop height Dependent variable = bounce height Controlled variables = ball, surface, measuring tool Data Table Height a Ball Bounced From Different Drop Heights DROP HEIGHT (CM) TEST 1TEST 2TEST 3AVERAGE 10050495150 8038394039 6031293030 4022202120 Graph How to cite What Effects the Bounce of a Dropped Ball, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Imact free essay sample

Everyone has people that influence his or her life; it could be in a major way or it could be in a minor, but meaningful way. A person that has influenced my life greatly is my sister Jasmine. Jasmine is my role model. She is considerate, hardworking, and independent. If I ever need to depend on someone, it would be her! I believe that my sister is one of the biggest influences in my life. My sister Jasmine is 4 years my senior, but she is always right there to support me. She is always willing to listen and give me the advice I need to hear. Although it is not what I would always agree with, it mostly turns out to be helpful. Without my sister, my life would be so much different. I wouldn’t get the support and advice that only she has given me. I have learned countless things from Jasmine. We will write a custom essay sample on Imact or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She taught me that I need to be open, strong, and not focus on what others think of me but, instead, what I think of myself. Also that I need to respect myself and others around me. My sister still is an influence in my life and I am still learning from her. Jasmine has shaped my perspective on life dramatically. She has showed me that I can live life to its fullest without making life changing mistakes. Before she was a big influence in my life I looked at life through scared eyes. I didn’t know how I would make it. Since I was about 8, she started being a impact in my life and since then she has helped me in ways she will never know.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Change of Gender Roles

The notion that women cannot play a prominent role in family or society has existed for a long time. Although this trend began to change in the past two centuries, this gender stereotype continues to be very widespread. This paper is aimed at discussing such plays as Trifles written by Susan Glaspell and Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. These authors show how women can be victimized or discriminated in a patriarchal society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Change of Gender Roles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More By depicting family conflictsï ¼Å'Susan Glaspell and Henrik Ibsen show how women can be forced into subordination. More importantly, the writers show how women challenge the conventions that are imposed on them.  There are several important similarities shared by both works. First, both works illustrate similar themes, namely the subordinate position of women and their response to this i njustice. A Doll’s House by Ibsen is a description of a woman who tries to break paternalistic relationship with her husband. Trifles written by Glaspell depict a despair of a woman who murders her husband. This similarity is one of the most  important to focus on the structure of the narrative. In both plays, the main actions of the characters are not directly described by the authors. They can be regarded as past events that help the readers understand the story. For instance, in Trifles, the murder is not depicted by Susan Glaspell. The larger part of the play shows how this murder is investigated. The audience is also introduced to the dialogue between two women who discuss about the possibility of Mrs. Wright having killed her husband. The approach to narrative is taken by Henrik Ibsen. It should be mentioned that Nora was making debt repayments for almost a decade without the knowledge of her husband. It should be kept in mind that Nora obtained the first loan by forg ing the signature of her own spouse. In order to maintain peace in their marital life, Nora thought that it would be better for her not to tell her husband the entire truth. She did not want her husband to know that she was burdened with debts. Thirdly, the supporting characters also play a key role in exposing gender dynamics that unfold throughout the plays. For instance, gender roles have been typically reversed in the A Doll’s House by other casts as well. Kristine Linde takes over the position of Mr. Krogstad. She proves to the audience that she is capable, highly efficient and independent-minded person in comparison Krogstad. She does not need the assistance of men to secure a decent job. She even opts to work while her husband stays back home. Also in Trifles, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters find the truth about murder by investigating small details which called trifles by men. Finally both of them decide to hide evidence to protect their peer. These examples are important f or showing that women can cope with the tasks and duties of men.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, both writers want readers to make their conclusion about the ending of two plays. Instead of providing detailed information about the later life of the characters, Ibsen and Glaspell prompt the audience to think about the possible ending of two plays. For instance, the readers of Susan Glaspell’s play do now know whether Mrs. Wright was acquitted or found guilty of her criminal trial. Similarly, in A Doll’s House, Nora leaves her husband, but the author does not tell what happens to her in the future.  Finally, both plays involve similar symbols that represent the female protagonists and the injustice that they have to struggle with. In Trifles, Mrs. Wright has been described as â€Å"kind of a bird herself† (Glaspell 1054) by Mrs. Hale. Moreover, broken birdcage indicates that this woman could be confined in various ways. For instance, she could not attend any social event since she was made to wear shabby clothes by her husband. In the A Doll’s House, Nora is described as â€Å"little lark† and â€Å"squirrel† by her husband by Torvald (Ibsen 1259). The doll house is literary symbol of Nora’s life. Just like what she said to her husband, Torvald: â€Å"Our home has been nothing but a playroom. I have been your doll-wife† (Ibsen 1259).  Yet, one can also identify some important differences between these literary works. Both Mrs. Wright and Nora break the law, however, the reason is different. Mrs. Wright kills her husband to protect herself because she is afraid that her husband will eventually hurt her. In contrast, Nora violates the establish behavioral norms in order to protect her husband. Just as she says:â€Å"Is a daughter not to be allowed to spare her dying father anxiety and ca re? Is a wife not to be allowed to save her husband’s life? I don’t know much about law, but I am certain that there must be laws permitting such things as that.† (Ibsen 1270). Even though both protagonists challenge dominant gender roles, their value and attitudes of these people differ significantly. Mrs. Wright wants to cope with the conventional gender roles that are imposed on her. However, the cruelty of her husband prevents her from achieving this goal. To a great extent, she is forced to kill his husband. In contrast, Nora seems to be quite different from that of Mrs. Wright. At the beginning, she is a happy mother with three children. Although she wants to pursue liberty, she still acts as a good wife who takes care of the family. Torvald’s reaction to secret makes Nora decide to leave her husband. At some point, it becomes cumbersome to predict the complex personality of Nora. Although she is expected to be ‘doll’ in her husband†™s house, she refuses to accept that role.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Change of Gender Roles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Also, the writing technique has some difference. Instead of depicting main characters directly such as in A doll’s house, Glaspell uses indirect way to portray female protagonist. The main character Minnie does not enter the stage. This is another distinction that should be taken into consideration. These literary works show how conventional gender stereotypes can be challenged. The authors demonstrate the liberation of the female protagonists who get rid of the bonds that are imposed on them. Thirdly, the writers focus on the conflicts within the family since these conflicts are driven by different perceptions of gender roles. Furthermore, the narratives in both plays are structured in a similar way. For instance, the authors want to create suspense and prompt readers t o think about the later life of the main characters. This conflict has been explored many writers living in the twentieth century (Schechet 61).  The gender roles have been challenged in two main ways in both A Doll’s House and Trifles. It is common message that comes out clearly when both plays are presented to the audience or readers. Traditional conventions are challenged not only by Nora and Mrs. Wright. Other characters also act in this way. For example, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hales solve the murder case and hide the evidence in effort to save Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Linde works for her family and persuade Krogstad to help Nora. By focusing on the actions of these people, the authors want to demonstrate that patriarchal view on family and society has been undermined. These literary works are important because they explain the way in which women try to cope with gender discrimination and oppression. Susan Glaspell and Henrik Ibsen describe the experiences of women who struggle with this injustice. Most importantly, they writers show how they oppose to the tradition according to which only males can play a dominant role in family or society. Works Cited Glaspell, Susan. â€Å"Trifles.† The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009. Print. Ibsen, Henrik. â€Å"A Doll House.† The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Schechet, Nita. Narrative Fissures: Reading And Rhetoric, New York: Fairleigh  Dickinson University Press, 2005. Print. This essay on The Change of Gender Roles was written and submitted by user Kayson Reed to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How Can You Build the Most Versatile College Application

How Can You Build the Most Versatile College Application SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Looking at college admissions websites and requirements can be overwhelming. Many colleges have slightly different standardized test and letter of recommendation requirements. Furthermore, some colleges require just one personal statement, while others require multiple essays and short answer responses. It can be a lot to keep track of! So how do you go about preparing your college applications, when colleges seem like they all want slightly different application materials? And how do you make sure you are competitive everywhere you apply? We will explain how to make the most versatile college application. By versatile we mean an application that will allow you to apply competitively to the broadest range of colleges. This guide is suitable for students aiming for the most competitive colleges, but you can also tailor it to your needs if you're applying to local state schools. Maximize Your ACT/SAT Score, But Just Focus on One Test The most efficient way, hour-for-hour, to improve your college admissions chances is to study for the ACT or SAT and get the highest score you can. Your SAT/ACT score is a very important factor in admissions. Having a score above a school's average range greatly improves your odds of admission, but if you are below their admitted student range, your odds go down. So it's important to get the highest possible SAT/ACT score for you, as it will give you flexibility in terms of where you can apply. As an example, here are the middle 50% SAT and ACT ranges for four popular colleges in the Boston area. Middle 50% means these are the ranges of scores in the middle of their accepted applicant pool. This means a score above the middle 50% range puts you in line with the top 25% of their applicants, and a score below it puts you in the bottom 25% and makes you a less likely admit. Harvard SAT Math 740-800 SAT Evidence-Based Reading Writing 720-780 ACT Composite 33-35 ACT English 34-36 ACT Math 31-35 Via Harvard's 2018-2019 Common Data Set Harvard is one of the most competitive colleges in the country. As such, their SAT and ACT ranges can be intimidating. Notice that their middle 50% ranges for the SAT end at 780 or 800, meaning that the top 25% of admits have perfect scores on those sections. To be competitive at Harvard, you need SAT section scores at least in the 700s, but the closer to 800 you are, the better chances you have. Boston College SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 650-720 SAT Math 670-770 ACT Composite 31-34 Via Boston College Factbook, 2018-19. Boston College is also a competitive college in the Boston area. While BC isn't quite as competitive as Harvard, you need SAT section scores in the low to mid 700s to be a competitive applicant, while any scores 650 or lower would make your admission less likely. Boston University SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 640-720 SAT Math 660-760 ACT Composite 29-32 ACT English 28-34 ACT Math 27-32 Via Boston University's Common Data Set, 2018-2019. Boston University is a large, top-50 university. Like with BC, SAT section scores in the 600s would put you in line with their middle 50% of admits, while anything lower than 600 would make you less competitive, and anything higher than 760 would make you quite competitive. The main difference in the score profiles between BU and BC is that BU's ACT score range is a bit lower. University of Massachusetts Boston SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 500-610 SAT Math 520-610 ACT Composite 21-27 ACT English 20-30 ACT Math 20-26 Via University of Massachusetts Boston's Common Data Set, 2018-2019. The University of Massachusetts Boston is a public research university. Section scores in the 600s or higher would make you quite competitive, while anything lower than a 500 would put you towards the bottom half of their admitted students. As you can see, the higher your SAT or ACT score is, the more colleges you can apply to competitively. For example, if you had a 1400 on the current SAT, with 700 on each section, Harvard would be a reach, but you would be in line with the admitted students at Boston College and Boston University and competitive at U Mass Boston. But if you had a 1000/1600, with about 500 on each section, you would be in line with admits at U Mass Boston, but the other schools would all be reaches. In short, it's smart to maximize your ACT or SAT score to give yourself the most options when applying to college. But just focus on studying for one test! The vast majority of colleges accept both tests equally, and they don't favor students who have taken both. In fact, if you do worse on one test, that could hurt your chances. Just pick one! It's also much more efficient to focus your time on studying for one test. If you split your time between the two, you'll likely end up doing worse on both than you could have if you had just focused on one. (Wondering which one you should take? Read a detailed comparison of the ACT and SAT, and figure out which test you will do the best on.) As a final note, make sure to take the ACT Plus Writing or the SAT with Essay if you want the most versatile application. Not all colleges require the writing sections of the ACT and SAT, but if you want to have the most versatile college application, having the writing version under your belt is important, since some colleges only accept the SAT or the ACT with the optional writing section. Take Two SAT Subject Tests In addition to taking either the SAT or ACT, you can help put together a flexible college application by taking two SAT subject tests. Why? Some colleges (especially selective ones) require or recommend SAT Subject Tests as part of applications. For example, Princeton recommends two SAT Subject Tests. Harvard does not require them, but highly recommends them unless you have extenuating circumstances: "While we recommend that you submit two SAT Subject Tests, you may apply without them if the cost of the tests represents a financial hardship or if you prefer to have your application considered without them." Some colleges don't require SAT Subject Tests, but say they will still consider them as part of applications, like the University of Michigan. And even colleges that don't use SAT Subject Tests for admissions often use SAT Subject scores to place students in first-year classes, especially in language, math, and science. In short, taking two SAT Subject Tests will allow you to apply to schools that require them, but also give you an additional credential anywhere you apply. It will give you more flexibility and the chance to start in more advanced classes your freshman year. Also, make sure you take the two SAT Subject Tests in different subjects. For example, don't take Math I and Math II. If you're interested in engineering programs, try to take one Subject Test in math and one in science. For any other programs, take the two you can do best on. For more on SAT subject tests and which ones to take, read this guide. Extracurricular Activities There is no magic set of extracurricular activities or sports that will make your college application the most impressive. But keep the following rule in mind as you pursue extracurricular activities and put together your college applications: depth over breadth. It's more impressive to be deeply involved with two activities and have leadership roles in both than to be in eight clubs or sports but just participate without getting too involved. You should add to the trophy case, not just the club roster. So if you're reading this as a junior or younger, try to get involved in a few clubs, sports, and extracurricular activities you're passionate about, and go for leadership positions. Also aim to get recognition or awards at the highest level you can- whether that's regional, state, or national. Don't join anything and everything just to be able to say you were in 10 clubs. Focus on a few activities you are passionate about and can make a difference doing. If you're a senior putting together your college applications, list everything you've been involved in, starting with the most important and working your way down. Make sure to highlight any leadership positions, awards, or other accomplishments. And again, emphasize depth over breadth. Don't feel pressured to fill out every available "activities" space. Again, depth matters more than breadth. Make sure for every activity you add, you have something valuable to say about it- an award you won, a leadership position you held, or the effect it had on your academic or personal development. Letters of Recommendation Some colleges don't have very specific guidelines for letters of recommendation (sometimes called teacher evaluations), and some don't require them at all. As an example, the University of Washington really doesn't want any letters. However, it's pretty typical for colleges to require two letters of recommendation. This is especially true at selective colleges. For example, Stanford requires two teacher evaluations. Some colleges have stricter guidelines, and say they want the letters to come from teachers who teach different subjects. MIT says the letters have to come from one math/science teacher and one humanities teacher. So to maximize your application reach, get two letters from teachers in different subjects- a math teacher and an English teacher, for example. Obviously don't send the letters to colleges that don't want them, but if you have those letters ready to go, it will allow you to apply to nearly any college. Also, to make your application most competitive, remember to follow basic letter of recommendation guidelines: choose teachers who taught you recently, ideally junior year, and can speak specifically to your academic strengths. Don't choose a teacher who won't have specific, positive things to say about you. "Halle was a good student and always did her homework" won't cut it. Find a teacher who can say something closer to "Halle's essays were consistently insightful. Her work was of a higher quality than not just this year's students, but of many students I have taught over my career." Should You Get A Third Letter? It's rare for a college to require more than two teacher recommendations. However, some allow for a third letter, which can come from a person who knows you well, like a coach, boss, youth group leader, or instructor from a summer course. For example, the University of Chicago and Brown both accept additional letters if they add extra detail to your application. Don't add a letter just to stuff your admissions file. If you have someone like this in your life who you know will have very good things to say to you and will provide information that your teachers cannot, ask them to write you a third letter. For example, if you took a summer college course and the professor can speak to how well you handled the material, they could write a great recommendation. Or if you have a boss who can talk about your busy schedule and work ethic the way a teacher can't, that provides important extra information to your application. Don't get an extra letter just to have one. Make sure the extra letter is adding additional material to your application. For colleges that allow a third letter of recommendation, getting one can help your chances by giving colleges another chance to get to know you. Don't Blow Off Senior Year A common theme on college admissions websites is that colleges want students who have challenged themselves in high school with rigorous schedules. This is especially true if you are going for top-tier schools. And senior year is no exception! For example, Yale says "senior year is not the time to take a light course load." By the time you reach senior year, you can't go back in time and change your first three years of high school. However, you can make sure your senior year schedule is challenging. Colleges will be looking at your senior year schedule, and it won't look good if you're slacking off. For example, if you take a full schedule with three AP classes junior year, and then have a senior schedule with free periods and no AP classes, that might raise questions, especially at selective colleges you might be applying to. Of course, don't do the opposite and overload yourself- especially since you need time senior year for college apps!- but make sure your senior year schedule doesn't raise any red flags. And if you're reading this as a younger high school student, make sure to take the most challenging schedule available to you at your high school. Challenge yourself with AP or IB classes if they are available. (Read more here about choosing between AP and IB and how many AP classes you should take.) Choose Your Essay Topic Carefully One thing you'll notice as you begin looking at different colleges' applications is that many have extra questions or Common Application supplements that give you the chance to share lots of info about yourself- what you want to study, why you want to go to that particular college, or even things like your favorite movies and books. For example, the University of Chicago is famous for having unique, quirky additional essay questions, like "What's so odd about odd numbers?" or "Were pH an expression of personality, what would your pH be and why?" Columbia University asks you to share your favorite required reading and books you read for pleasure in the past year, as well as publications you read and entertainment (like movies, concerts, exhibits) that you enjoyed the most in the past year. To read any college's supplement, you can search for "[Name of College/University] Supplement" or "[Name of College/University] Essay Questions." If you're using the Common Application or Universal College Application, you can look up colleges you're interested in to see their supplements. However, sometimes colleges don't have a supplement or additional questions, meaning the one part of your application you can let them get to know you is with your personal statement. In other words, your main essay is very important, since in some cases it will be your only chance to show your personality. If there is something you want every college to know about- from an important personal experience to an intellectual passion of yours- that experience should be in your main essay. Even if your main topic perfectly fits a prompt for one college's supplement, you should use it for your main essay instead. This way, even if a college doesn't have a supplement, you will get to present the information most important to you. If colleges do have supplemental questions, you can use them to dive deeper into your essay topic or, even better, share other experiences or passions. What's a Good Essay Topic? There are as many potential personal essay topics as there are students applying. Every student has different experiences and passions that could make a great essay. The key is to write about something that is meaningful and specific to you. Remember that a complete stranger will be reading your application. You want them to come away from your essay feeling like they know you, and what you can bring to their college. For example, if you went through an incredibly challenging personal experience- a family member's illness, an instance of discrimination, an unexpected setback- that could be great material for you essay, especially if it has affected your future goals and interests. Or if you are passionate about a certain topic or subject- from 18th century French history to making your own mobile phone apps- that could also be a great essay topic, as it will show your intellectual depth and give colleges an idea of what you might contribute to them. The key is to write about something that will help tell your story, and help show what you will be pursue in college. Don't choose a topic just because you think it's something colleges will like. For example, if you went on a service trip your junior year but it didn't resonate with you or affect your future goals, don't try and make up a story about how meaningful the trip was to you. It will be more effective to write about something you are actually passionate about. Once you've chosen a topic, ask yourself the following questions to make sure it's a strong choice: Will any other student applying to college this year have an essay like mine? (If you can see several students writing a very similar essay, you should choose a topic more specific to you) If I gave this essay to a complete stranger, would they get a clear sense of my personality just by reading it? Am I writing about something I care about, or did I choose this topic becuase I thought it would look good? If your essay is specific to you, reveals your personality, and allows you to write about something you actually care about, chances are, it's going to be a great essay. Bottom Line: How to Put Together a Winning College App There is a lot that goes into a successful college application, and your chances of admission will vary by the schools you apply to and your set of strengths and weaknesses. But chances of admission aside, these are the steps you can take to put together a college application that will allow you to apply to the broadest range of colleges, from the most selective to your local state schools. #1: Take either the ACT Plus Writing or the SAT, and do as well as you can. #2: Take two SAT Subject Tests. #3: Go for depth over breadth with your extracurriculars. #4: Get two letters of recommendation from teachers in different subjects. Consider getting a third letter if it will add more information to your application. #5: Take a challenging senior year schedule. #6: Choose a personal essay topic that is specific and meaningful to you. What's Next? Speaking of maximizing your ACT and SAT score, get tips from our full-scorer on getting a perfect score on the SAT or on the ACT. Even if you're not aiming for perfect, these principles can help you raise your score to whatever your target is. Also consider our PrepScholar program to get prepared for the SAT or the ACT. Get specific advice on acing the ACT and SAT essays. Learn to raise a low SAT/ACT math score with these tips. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Relevant Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Relevant Theory - Essay Example (Bauman, Phongsavan, 1999, 183). Most drug use begins in the pre-teen and teenage years, these years are most crucial in the development of a young persons life. The average age when youth first try alcohol is 11 years for boys and 13 years for girls. The average age at which Americans begin drinking regularly is 15 years old. During these years teenagers are faced with tasks like discovering their self-identity, which results in a sense of independency and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are readily available, adolescents are curious and vulnerable, and there is peer pressure that pushes them to experiment. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, and availability. (Zanis, 1999, 235). One of the most important reasons of teenage drug usage is peer pressure. Peer pressure represents social influences that effect adolescents, it can have a positive or a negative effect, depending on person's social group and one can follow one path of the other. (Zanis, 1999, 55-56). We are greatly influenced by the people around us. In today's schools drugs are very common, peer pressure usually is the reason for their usage. If the people in your social group use drugs there will be pressure to use also, a direct or indirect pressure from them. In turn it is believed to be that how we view ourselves depends highly on how others view us. This is probably a good reason why peer pressure is such a factor in adolescent drug use. Abraham Maslow's theory of human development suggests that basic needs are physiological and that the ultimate at the top of the pyramid model is self-actualization, which implies an unattached human being realizing its full potential and autonomy. Maslow's theory of human development involves moving from basic needs (food and shelter) to social needs (love and esteem) to the highest needs on his hierarchy, which lead to self-actualization. According to Maslow's theory, humans have several types of needs: physiological, safety/order, social, esteem and self-actualization. These needs are the basis of his human development theory and are met in social and family settings. (Maslow, 1970, 225-227). Unfortunately, with hormones raging, emotions tend to get the best of this group of individuals. Understanding the emotional development in early childhood through adulthood, leads us to understanding the importance of self-esteem. Through our experiences with the world, we as human beings, form concepts of causal relationships. We formulate opinions of ourselves based upon the collected experiences of life. Some are fortunate enough to grow and develop in positive nurturing environments that foster optimal beliefs systems. Others have a more difficult time remaining positive about themselves and life in general. Just as people form concepts regarding the behavior of inanimate objects, animals, and other human beings, they also form a concept of themselves, of what they are like, of how they will react in various situations. The concept people form of themselves stated positively or negatively, is their self-esteem. (Hogan, 2000, 346). With effects like this it is guaranteed that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ethical consumerism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethical consumerism - Coursework Example This report describes various meaning of consumerism and describes various approaches adopted by Cooperative group of companies in carrying out its social activities. The report concludes by providing the gap that exist the current study of consumerism. Ethical consumerism (also known as ethical purchasing, ethical consumption, ethical sourcing or ethical shopping) is a type of consumer activism that is based on dollar voting. This concept is practiced through positive buying where ethical products are given first priority. Ethical consumerism was first popularized by a UK magazine published in 1989 so as to produce rating tables which was inspired by criteria-based approach of the ethical investments movement. Ethical consumerism also means that several customers are willing to buy ethically sourced goods that are ethically made and distributed. On the other hand, an ethical consumer is someone who buys things that are ethically produced. Depending on the context used, ethical production means producing a product that is recycled, use of labor that is produced in facilities without using child labor and slavery, or producing food that is free range or organic raised. Therefore the whole idea of ethical consumerism movement is that you know what you are purchasing and that you buy products that are ethically produced since not knowing results to abuse and exploitation. Consumerism is used by other stakeholders as a tool for social change, basing on the theory that organizations make decisions basing on consumer demand. This idea is evidently limited by the massive power of large organizations which influence, if not create, consumer demand through branding and advertisement. Nevertheless, consumer power may be utilized to ensuring that companies are made accountable to the society; where common citizens in their consumer role can make companies to be accountable. Some authors (Ayglon 2009) regard consumerism as a tool for social change while others (Lang & Tahc

Monday, November 18, 2019

Free Movement Of Person in EU ( EU LAW ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Free Movement Of Person in EU ( EU LAW ) - Essay Example cle 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) deals with free movement of workers this freedom of movement and residence is also available to the nationals of third countries as envisaged by the Treaty establishing European Community. It is the fundamental right of any one who is legally present in a State to move within the State and the right of residence in that State is but a logical extension of right of movement. The issue sought to be reviewed in this paper is whether the current liberal trend of right of freedom of movement can be reversed in the near future. The EU law on free movement of persons and allied rights which had been scattered on the various treaty provisions, secondary legislations was only recently consolidated into one Act. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) had always felt that rules regarding the free movement of persons in the EU had been narrowly drafted giving no room for the increasing demands of the enlarging Union. The ECJ in its judicial activism reflecting the EU’s objective of ensuring full mobility of persons has at times given decisions contradicting the treaty provisions. Originally, the ECJ had been concentrating on the narrow area of right of workers in regard to freedom of movement. After the introduction citizenship rights in the Union, the court is broadening its approach in safeguarding the rights of free movement of citizens thus resulting in land mark decisions relating to students’ rights, job-seekers and non-union family members. This culminated into the promulgation of Community dir ective 2004/381 which incorporated some of the important decisions of the ECJ in this area. To predict the trend of continuation of these rights, historical background and legal framework in this regards have to be reviewed. Article 2 of the EC envisages that the community should promote economic activities, a high level of employment and social protection, enhancing the standard of living and quality of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Assessment of Plants for Anti Asthmatic Drugs

Assessment of Plants for Anti Asthmatic Drugs Introduction Asthma is a respiratory inflammatory disease characterized by narrowing of bronchial airway. There are changes in level of cytokines, eosinophils, lymphocytes, mast cells, and other inflammatory cell products. As high level of IgE binds to mast cell receptors, it interacts with antigen, resulting in inflammatory reactions, like the release of mediators (prostaglandins, histamines, and leukotrienes). Hence, bronchoconstriction is triggered. Asthma affects 300 million people across the world and an estimate of a further 100 million will suffer by 2025 (Taur D.J. and Patil R.Y., 2011). Now, there are more and more asthma patients and research teams looking for natural or complementary alternatives to treat asthma. This is because the modern asthma therapy has caused many adverse effects. The natural plant used to treat asthma should have immunomodulatory, smooth-muscle relaxants, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and allergic activity. In the Ayurveda context, an anti-asthmatic plant drug should have anti-kapha and anti-vata properties (Taur D.J. and Patil R.Y., 2011). Countless natural plants are used as the natural source for anti-asthmatic drugs. After intense research, a particular molecule with good therapeutic properties is identified and extracted from the plants. Then, the molecule will undergo many modifications in the laboratories, be produced in large scale manufacture, put into various dosage forms and marketed to the public. The examples of such plant drugs are Aerva lanta Linn (Amaranthaceae), Cnidium monnieri (Umbelliferae), Euphorbia hirta (Euphorbiaceae), Mentha spicata L, and Olea europea (Oleaceae) (Taur D.J. and Patil R.Y., 2011). Selection of 4 plant drugs 4 drugs are being selected for their anti-asthmatic properties: Quercetin Ephedrine Cromolyn sodium Theophylline Drug Category Plant source Properties Quercetin (Yikrazuul, 2008) Flavonol Caper Quercetin potentiates ÃŽ ² receptor stimulation via phosphodiesterase inhibition of PDE4 and PLCÃŽ ². This relaxes airway muscles (Drug Bank, 2014). It is also an effective bronchodilator and it prevents release of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals (Drug Bank, 2014a). Ephedrine (NEUROtiker, 2008) Sympathomimetic amine Ma Huang As a bronchodilator and decongestant, ephedrine is a potent sympathomimetic that stimulates ÃŽ ± and ÃŽ ² receptors. It reduces swelling and vasoconstriction in lung airways. As your airway widens, you can breathe more easily (RxList, 2009). Cromolyn Sodium (Fvasconcellos, 2009) Chromone complex Khellin Cromolyn sodium inhibits mast cell degranulation, hence there is no release of histamine and slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis. Type I hypersensitivity is ceased. Besides, cromolyn sodium may inhibit leukotriene release and calcium entry (Drug Bank, 2014b). Theophylline (Fuse809, 2014) Methylxanthine Cacao treeandcocoa tree Theophylline relaxes bronchial smooth muscles and reduces their responsiveness to allergen and histamine. It inhibits type III and type IV phosphodiesterase (PDE) which break downs cAMP, resulting in bronchodilation. It also blocks adenosine A2B receptor and subsequently, bronchoconstriction. Histone deacetylase is activated to prevent inflammatory gene transcription (Drug Bank, 2014c). Table 1: Drug, its category, plant source and properties. Plant Biological source Chemical constituents Family Scientific name Picture Caper bark,bud,leaves Rutin(Quercetin 3-Rutinoside),Quercetin 7-Rutinoside,Quercetin 3-Glucoside-7-Rhamnoside,Kaempferol-3-Rutinoside,Kaempferol-3-Glucoside, AndKaempferol-3-Rhamnorutinoside (Winter R, 1978). Capparaceae Capparis spinosa (Thomà © O. W., 1885) Ma Huang Stem Ephedrine, pseudoephrine Ephedraceae Ephedra sinica, Ephedra intermedia, Ephedra equisetina, Ephedra distacha, Ephedra trifurca (Climbjm, 2000) Khellin Seeds, fruits 1% of Khellin and 0.3% of visnagin are found in fruits (, 2009). Apiaceae Ammi visnaga (Sipler D, 2004) Cacao treeandcocoa tree Seeds The seeds contain about 2% of theobromine and 40-60% of solid fat (Grieve M, 2014). Malvaceae Theobroma cacao (Luisovalles, 2007) Table 2: Biological source, chemical constituent, family and scientific name of each plant. Different methods of screening The following two screening methods are done to uncover the chemical properties and effects of usage of drug quercetin. Method 1 is about using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED) to extract rutin out of plant extracts based on its chemical properties. Method 2 is the involvement of guinea pigs to compare anti-asthmatic effect of quercetin with other drugs like cromolyn sodium. Screening 1: â€Å"Bronchoprotective activity in mice against various mediators.† Mice were exposed to either 4% w/v acetycholine bromide in 5% NaHà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡POà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ or 5% egg-albumin or 2% w/v histamine dihydrochloride aerosol in histamine chamber under constant pressure. Bronchospasm was then induced. The mice showed progressive dyspnea. The end point of PCD (pre-convulsive dyspnea) was identified from the time of exposure to the onset of dyspnea, leading to convulsion. When PCD started, the mice were removed from the chamber and be exposed to the fresh air for recovery (Bahekar R.H. et al., 2000). After 2 days, the mice were given different test drugs. The time for onset of PCD was measured against that induced by acetycholine bromide, egg-albumin or histamine dihydrochloride aerosol. The bronchoprotective effect of each drugs was calculated using the following formula (Bahekar R.H. et al., 2000): Tà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚  was a mean of control PCD time. Tà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ was a PCD time after drug treatment. Screening 2: â€Å"Quercetin inhalation inhibits the asthmatic responses by exposure to aerosolized-ovalbumin in conscious guinea-pigs.† Guinea pigs were actively sensitized with aerosolized-ovalbumin (AOA) (2w/v% in saline, inhalation for 3 min) in the double-chambered plethysmograph, triggering immediate (IAR), late phase (LAR) and late late phase (LLAR) asthmatic response. A doubling in skin thickness means a success in sensitization. Recruitment of histamine, leukocytes, and protein contents, specific airway resistance (sRaw), and phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were measured. After that, the guinea pigs were made to inhale different test drugs for 2 minutes. The effect was compared between the drugs (Moon H et al, 2008). The respiratory function of guinea pigs were measured using double-chambered plethysmograph. Tidal volume, respiratory rate, tidal airflow and sRaw were measured. Quercetin reduced sRaw by 57.15 +/- 3.82% in IAR; 57.72 +/- 7.28% in LAR as well as 55.20 +/- 5.69% in LLAR. Cromolyn sodium significantly reduced sRaw in all three phases (Moon H et al, 2008). Comparison between screening 1 and screening 2: Both screening methods use animals as the in vivo test system, inhalation as dosage form and chamber as the place for induction of asthma in animals. Both are used to measure the anti-asthmatic effects of different test drugs. Screening method 1 Difference Screening method 2 Mice Test animals Guinea pigs 4% w/v acetycholine bromide in 5% NaHà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡POà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ or 5% egg-albumin or 2% w/v histamine dihydrochloride aerosol Chemical inducing asthma effects Aerosolized-ovalbumin (AOA) (2w/v% in saline, inhalation for 3 min) The time for onset of PCD Measure of drug effects Tidal volume, respiratory rate, tidal airflow and sRaw Bahekar et al. Researchers Hee Moon et al. Table 3: Differences between the screening methods. Side effect of the plant drugs Despite the popular claims that drugs from natural sources are safe and effective over the long-term, patients should not be fooled for thinking that natural drugs are safer than synthetic modern medicines. The same goes to the anti-asthmatic drugs. The side effects of the plant drugs are: Drugs Side effects Caution Solutions Quercetin Headacheor tingling in arms and legs, kidney damage (high doses) (WebMD, 2013a) Pregnant orbreastfeeding Interaction with antibiotics Cyclosporine,warfarin, or drugs (the function can be changed by theliver) (WebMD, 2013). Consult your doctor if the symptoms do not resolve within 2 or 3 weeks after starting taking this medicine. Ephedrine Dizziness, headache, nausea, allergic reactions, difficulty urinating (, 2014). Allergy to this medication Asthma Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor High blood pressure Heart disease (, 2014a). Consult your doctor if the symptoms do not resolve within 1 week after starting taking this medicine or you develop a high fever. Cromolyn sodium Nausea, joint pain, headache,mild stinging, burning ortrouble sleeping (WebMD, 2013b). Allergy to cromolyn sodium Kidney disease Liver disease (, 2014b). Consult your doctor if the symptoms do not resolve within 2 or 3 weeks after starting taking this medicine. Theophylline Chest pain, fainting, increase in urine volume, pounding or rapid pulse, persistent vomiting, seizures and shakiness (, 2014c). Breastfeeding (Theophylline can be present in breast milk, harming the baby) Anyone under 18 years old without medical advice (, 2014c). When your body gets used to the drug, the side-effects will disappear. Seek for professional health to reduce these side-effects. Table 4: Side-effects, cautions and solutions for each plant drug. Natural plant drugs do have their side-effects. Drug users have to be alert with the effects and take necessary precautionary steps or consult a doctor when any suspicious symptoms are detected. Conclusion Nowadays, you can find countless of prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines derived from plants. During the ancient times, plants have been the exemplary sources of drugs.They just do not get created entirely from zero in lab, but the researchers and scientists trawled through jungles, wetlands, rivers and grasslands they can find, searching for better compounds to test against asthma. Some of the natural anti-asthmatics underwent the most vigorous clinical trials imaginable, while some were not recognized for its functions due to lack of valid evidence. For example, the benefits of Quercetin in asthma are not known, while theophylline is the certified first line treatment for decades. There are many other plant drugs that have similar anti-asthmatic activity, like wild Licorice, Gingko Biloba, Anise (apinene and creosol), garlic and leaf of Parsley. All must undergo the most stringent quality control and quality assurance, together with firm uphold of Global Manufacturing Pract ice to ensure the quality, efficacy and safety of the plant drugs. So far, there is no cure for asthma. The effects of all the anti-asthmatic drugs and medicine, no matter which group it belongs, discovered has been limited to managing and controlling symptoms of asthma. However, there are more and more studies and researches, hoping to find a perfect drug to effectively and safely cure asthma (Taur D.J. and Patil R.Y., 2011). Reference Bahekar R.H. et al. 2000. New Bronchodilators 2: Synthesis Of 6-Alkylbenzimidazo [1,2-C] Quinazolines.Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, [Online]. 62/1, 41-45. Available at:;year=2000;volume=62;issue=1;spage=41;epage=45;aulast=Bahekar;type=0[Accessed 17 November 2014]. Climbjm, (2000),Mormon Tea in Arches NP[ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed 09 November 14]. Drug Bank. 2014a.Quercetin. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 November 14]. Drug Bank. 2014b.Cromoglicic acid.Available: Last accessed 6th Nov 2014. Drug Bank. 2014c.Theophylline.Available: Last accessed 6th Nov 2014. Drug Bank. 2014d.Ephedrine.Available: Last accessed 6th Nov 2014. 2009.Khella. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 November 14]. 2014a.Ephedrine.Available: Last accessed 7th Nov 2014. 2014b.Cromolyn sodium. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 November 14]. Fuse809, (2014),Structure of[ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed 20 November 14]. Fvasconcellos, (2009),Skeletal formula of cromoglicic acid (cromoglicate, cromolyn)[ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed 20 November 14]. Grieve M. 2014.Cacao. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 November 14]. Luisovalles, 2007,Matadecacao[ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed 09 November 14]. Moon H. et al. 2008. Quercetin inhalation inhibits the asthmatic responses by exposure to aerosolized-ovalbumin in conscious guinea-pigs.Archives of Pharmacal Research. 31 (6), p771-772. NEUROtiker, (2008),Structure of (−)-Ephedrine[ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed 20 November 14]. RxList. 2009.Ephedrine.Available: Last accessed 6th Nov 2014. Sipler D, 2004,Ammi Visnaga[ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed 09 November 14]. Taur D.J., Patil R.Y. (2011). Some medicinal plants with antiasthmatic potential: a current status.Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 1 (5), p413–418. Thomà © O.W., 1885,Illustration Capparis spinosa0[ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed 11 November 14]. WebMD. 2013a.Quercetin.Available: Last accessed 7th Nov 2014. WebMD. 2013b.Mast Cell Stabilizers for Long-Term Control of Asthma. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 November 14]. Winter R. 1978. A Consumers Dictionary of Food Additives. Crown Publishers, Inc., New York. Yikrazuul, (2008),Quercetin[ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed 20 November 14].

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Japanese Internment :: essays research papers

The Japanese Internment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout history, Canada has relatively been a supporter of multiculturalism. In the past Canada has had very few racial conflict, although there has been one incident which has had quite a controversial effect about human rights violations and discrimination. This thorn in Canada's side is the Japanese Internment which took place during the second world war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Japanese Internment took place between the years of 1941 and 1949. At the time most of the Japanese population was concentrated in British Columbia, on the West Coast of Canada. The Japanese first immigrated to Canada to work on the rail road in 1900. By 1921 the Japanese population numbered nearly 16000 people and had possessed nearly half of the fishing licenses in British Columbia. In 1941 23000 Japanese were living throughout Canada.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On December 7 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. After the attack there government took all Japanese owned boats, radios, and cameras. After the public pressured the government, and they took action and the government moved all Japanese from a 100 mile wide security strip along the B.C. coast. Later the government gave a further statement that declared that all people of Japanese origin were considered aliens until the end of World War II.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first year of the war the 21000 Japanese who were affected by the war regulations, were sent to various provinces across Canada. The government assured the provinces that the Japanese would stay in agriculture and would be removed after the war, at the provinces request.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The remaining 12000 Japanese were taken to Interior Housing Centers in the middle of B.C. These housing centers consisted of four abandoned mining towns and two completely new communities. During the internment the Canadian Government claimed all the Japanese's land and possessions and sold them for a factor of the original cost. The government called this land claim's.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the internment and the war, the Prime Minister at the time Makenzie King started to deport Japanese back to Japan. 4000 Japanese Canadians were deported before Makenzie King canceled the deportation order in 1947. In many peoples opinion the cancellation orders were 7 years too late.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many arguments which have arisen in Canada because of the Japanese Internment. Many positions have been stated as well as many different points of view. One of the major arguments is the factor of segregation and discrimination that were implied during the internment.