Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Adams-Onis Treaty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Adams-Onis Treaty - Research Paper Example A key point to note is that the treaty's signing was conducted in Washington in 1819. Additionally, the ratification by Spain followed in 1820 and consequently enforced in 1821. The treaty renounced the prior claims by the United States regarding Texas. Additionally, the treaty settled the boundary3. The Louisiana Purchase covered the source of the Sabine River, the west and south banks, and the direct link to the north of the Red River4. The Adams-Onion treaty was terminated in 1903 following the introduction of a new treaty in 1902. Some of the key elements in the Adams–Onis Treaty included the idea of the United States acquiring Florida, as well as the idea of establishing a boundary between the territory of the United States and Spain. Notably, the then foremost international debate concentrated in the then American- Spain border. In the larger continent of Europe, Spain encountered serious problems that were internally generated, and the out west colonies almost faced rev olution at that time. Spain realized that its hold on the colonial empire was gradually escaping. Through Jackson’s attack, Spain authorities realized that they were weak when compared to the United States. The relationship between the U.S. and Spain was strained due to suspicions of the United States supporting the struggles for independence amongst the Spanish colonies in American5. Additionally, the phenomenon emerged crucial following the seizing of the Pensacola’s Spanish forts by Gen. Andrew Jackson. In 1818, St. Marks approved raid of Seminoles as he escaped the then slaves that seemed a significant Georgia’s threat. Andrew Jackson approved the execution of two citizens from Britain over the accusations of incitement upon runways and Indians6. There was a serious contemplation by the government of President Monroe towards the denouncing of the actions of Jackson7. However, Adams defended Andrew Jackson as he cited the significance of restraining the India ns as well as escaping slaves. Additionally, Adams sensed that Andrew’s Seminole campaign proves his popularity amongst Americans; this attribute strengthened the diplomatic contribution with Spain. After the 1803’s Louisiana Purchase, the then America’s President Jefferson presented an argument that the region of Florida was incorporated in Louisiana. Consequently, between 1810 and 1812, America annexed some western sections of Florida. President Thomas Jefferson sought more territory when John Quincy Adams served as the State’s Secretary. Between 1817 and 1818, the then US President James Monroe and Adams resumed plans of acquiring Florida as well as a boundary to the west, to be incorporated in the Louisiana Purchase. Following the negotiations that spent a few months, the treaty was signed 18198. Following the spread of the United States in Appalachians, there was an increased need for the Mississippi River to assist in the production of America's Wes t. This section is sometimes known as the section between the Mississippi and Appalachians. The Louisiana territory belonged to Spain since 1762, including 828,000 miles. There was friction between the United States and Spain regarding the right of navigating the Mississippi as well as the right for U.S people to transfer goods to vessels at New Orleans. However, the friction was settled through the Pickney Treaty in 1795. Following the introduction of the

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