Tuesday, March 17, 2020

7 Ways To Show The Hiring Manager That You Really Want The Job

7 Ways To Show The Hiring Manager That You Really Want The Job You really really want this job. And you want to make sure the hiring manager knows it. Trouble is, you also don’t want to come off as totally desperate. As much as you want to give them the really hard sell and show off your exuberant enthusiasm for the position, it’s best to hold back and try these tricks instead. 1. Send a note.A handwritten thank you note after the interview will go a long way. And it’s much more elegant than gushing or yammering on about just how much you love the company and really really want this job. Bonus points if you’ve already sent a quick follow-up email and can mention different things in the handwritten note.2. Go the extra mile.If a job description says that certain application materials are optional, and you have the capacity to provide them, do. You’ll easily set yourself apart from the majority of applicants who won’t have time or energy to go above and beyond for this particular job. And you’ll hav e that many more chances to prove you are a perfect fit for the position.3. Be clear.If you’re lucky enough to have the opportunity, i.e. you’re asked point-blank about the seriousness of your intentions, then do make it absolutely clear how serious you are about wanting this gig. Refrain from gushing, but make it firmly clear you are in this.4. Take home some swag.This is a potentially risky move, but if you see some brand stickers or pens or other such swag on your way out, and you feel comfortable doing so, you could remark on how stylish or well-done the item is and say, â€Å"If you have any to spare, I’d love to take one of these with me.† As long as you can pull this off without looking creepy, it’s sometimes a great move to show you’re really serious about a company.5. Do your homework.Perhaps the best thing you can bring with you into an interview for a gig you’re really gung-ho to get is preparation. Don’t waste time pining and hoping that you get hired. Spend all of that nervous energy doing really solid research into the company, the industry, and the job itself. Doing your homework will help you shine in the interview.6. Ask questions.Your interviewer will ask you if you have any questions. And you’d best be prepared to have some. Make sure they’re intelligent and incisive. Tailor them to the company and the position. Use the research you’ve done to make sure you have this step of the interview covered. And practice asking before you go in.7. Come up with a final pitch.Think up (and practice practice practice) a final elevator pitch that you can use to close the interview. Some combination of â€Å"thank you† and a way to reaffirm your keen interest in the position. Make it surgical and elegant and follow it up with good body language and a firm handshake (and of course, the thank you note), and you’ll do great.Who knows? If you manage to nail all of this, y ou might just make them more interested in you!

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